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form, shape, beauty
& look

pr ject I
hillsborough (san francisco), ca
Just outside of San Francisco, in the hills of Silicon Valley, this young family found their home. It required some work to satisfy their eclectic taste and laid back life style.......
pr ject II
palm beach, fl
A timeless, calm & peaceful environment with the conveniences of an elegant luxury hotel for a beautiful gem right on the golden beaches of Palm Beach, Florida

pr ject IV
san francisco, ca
"Going below ground" was the best option for this startup in uber expensive San Francisco. An inviting, comfortable space which most importantly doesn't feel like a windowless basement. All on a budget and with the required Silicon Valley "hipness".
pr ject V
west palm beach, fl
A former garage turned into a yoga-exercise studio and boutique. An environment to practice, relax with a cup of tea, browse for new workout clothing and get a makeover.

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